What Types of Alimony are Available in New Jersey?

Divorce • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

There are four basic types of alimony that are generally available during divorce negotiations in New Jersey. The first type of alimony, and likely the most well-known, is open durational alimony. This award results in spousal support for an unspecified period of time. It is important to note that... read more

Alimony, Taxes, and Advice in New Jersey Divorce

Alimony • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

I am part of a small online community of women in Hunterdon County, New Jersey who engage in an information exchange, if you will.  Recently, a woman posted a question concerning her new child support award and potential alimony award.  Within that post, she inquired as to how to... read more

New Tax Law, New Divorce Plans: When to consider a trust

Family Law • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

Uncle Sam plays a role in pretty much any financial transaction that happens inside the United States — even in some that happen outside of our country, but that is fodder for a different post. This post focuses on the role the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) plays in divorce.... read more

Three Ways the New Tax Law Changed Divorce Negotiations

Family Law • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

Recent tax reform has changed the role taxes play during divorce. As a result, the old rules regarding divorce and taxes are often outdated. Three specific areas of divorce that were impacted include: Alimony. The new tax law removed the tax benefit that came with alimony. In the past, those... read more

New Year Triggers New Alimony Laws

Family Law • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

The new year has brought many changes — including the start of new tax laws. One specific area to pay close attention to: the change to rules regarding tax obligations and alimony payments. Tax law and alimony: Deduction lost Previous tax law allowed the individual making the alimony payment... read more

Three FAQs About Alimony in New Jersey

Family Law • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

New Jersey state law allows for the award of alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, during a divorce when the court deems the payments “reasonable and just.” But what exactly does that mean? This post will focus on three of the most commonly asked questions about alimony... read more

Thinking of Filing for Bankruptcy and Divorce?

Alimony • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

There are complicated questions regarding filing Bankruptcy Chapter 7 or 13 and divorce proceedings and how they are interrelated or not. Bankruptcy The easiest part of this question is what you can include in youu bankruptcy AFTER your divorce.  Neither Chapter 7 or 13 can discharge and child support... read more

Alimony can be a complicated aspect of divorce proceedings

Alimony • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

Divorce can be an emotionally trying and financially challenging experience. This is true no matter how long or short of a time you and your spouse have been in a marriage. One area in particular that can spark conflict and confusion is alimony. However, an applied understanding of alimony... read more

Drafting a prenup: what to include and what to avoid

Family Law • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

A prenuptial agreement is an important contract for many couples. But before drafting one and actually signing one, there are a couple of things that the couple must do. First, they must have a detailed conversation about their relationship and the issues relating to a prenup. This is crucial.... read more

New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Discusses Concerns of Alimony Being Reduced

Divorce • Weiner Law Group LLP. •

As a dedicated New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, clients often ask me about their alimony being reduced. If your alimony is a number that either you have agreed to or a judge has ordered, there’s only really one way it’s going to get reduced. Unfortunately, that person who’s paying, the... read more