Steps to Take When You’re Thinking of Making a Break

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

It started as a match made in heaven (or at least in New Jersey), but time and circumstances changed and a parting of ways may be in sight. The thought of divorce can seem overwhelming, with a host of financial, emotional and logistical issues that need addressing. Because the... read more

Who’s to Blame? No-Fault Divorce in New Jersey

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

“Breaking up is hard to do,” was a hit song by Neil Sedaka in 1960. And indeed, it’s very true in most cases — particularly when dealing with the breakup of a marriage. Emotions usually run high, partners can resort to finger pointing and placing blame on the other. No-fault... read more

Separating Assets During a NJ Divorce; Who Wants What, Who Gets What

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

The dissolution of a marriage can be painful, and the decisions to be made during a divorce can be difficult. The welfare of the children, if any, and the equitable distribution of property, are real issues that must be resolved, hopefully in a way that is satisfactory for all... read more

Having a Prenup Can Set a Solid Foundation for Your Upcoming Marriage

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

Getting married? Congratulations! It’s a romantic time, full of love, expectation and happy celebrations. But amidst all these festivities, New Jersey couples should set some time aside for the practicalities that come with legal unions — like whether to consider a prenuptial agreement (a.k.a., a prenup). While no one... read more

New Jersey Family Law: The Link Between Genetics and Divorce

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

It has been said that children who are the products of divorced parents are more likely to end up getting divorced as well. This is something psychologists have long believed. Why? According to a study completed in Sweden, it is not because of the environment in which they were... read more