New Jersey Child support: Here’s What it Pays For

Child Custody Weiner Law Group LLP.

Like many New Jersey parents who have gone through similar experiences, if you’re preparing to divorce, you might be worried about your children and how your decision (or your spouse’s, if it wasn’t your idea) to end your marriage may affect their lives. It can be helpful to talk... read more

Steps to Take When You’re Thinking of Making a Break

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

It started as a match made in heaven (or at least in New Jersey), but time and circumstances changed and a parting of ways may be in sight. The thought of divorce can seem overwhelming, with a host of financial, emotional and logistical issues that need addressing. Because the... read more

Who’s to Blame? No-Fault Divorce in New Jersey

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

“Breaking up is hard to do,” was a hit song by Neil Sedaka in 1960. And indeed, it’s very true in most cases — particularly when dealing with the breakup of a marriage. Emotions usually run high, partners can resort to finger pointing and placing blame on the other. No-fault... read more

Summer Visitation Tips for Divorced Parents in New Jersey

Child Custody Weiner Law Group LLP.

School’s is out for summer and kids all over New Jersey find reason to celebrate. But for children of separated or divorced parents, summertime can bring with it changes in custody arrangements that can cause extra stress. A parent may resent how the schedule change will impact everyday routines... read more

Separating Assets During a NJ Divorce; Who Wants What, Who Gets What

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

The dissolution of a marriage can be painful, and the decisions to be made during a divorce can be difficult. The welfare of the children, if any, and the equitable distribution of property, are real issues that must be resolved, hopefully in a way that is satisfactory for all... read more

What Types of Alimony are Available in New Jersey?

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

There are four basic types of alimony that are generally available during divorce negotiations in New Jersey. The first type of alimony, and likely the most well-known, is open durational alimony. This award results in spousal support for an unspecified period of time. It is important to note that... read more

What are the Advantages of Mediation in NJ?

Divorce Weiner Law Group LLP.

During these stressful days, divorce or legal separation can make it overwhelming for couples in New Jersey and across the United States. There is an array of emotions attached to divorce and these feelings can make it difficult to create a comprehensive divorce settlement. In some cases, however, couples... read more

What Happens to a Business When the Owner gets Divorced?

Family Law Weiner Law Group LLP.

Divorce results in the division of marital property. When a divorce involves a business owner, the business may be subject to division. Business owners can take steps to avoid this, such as the use of a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. However, absent a business owner’s active attempts to keep... read more

Kids and Divorce: Are Your Children Behaving Badly?

Child Custody Weiner Law Group LLP.

Going through the end of a marriage can be a stressful and daunting experience, especially if you and your soon-to-be ex have children together. Since you likely place a high priority on the well-being of your children, you may have concerns about how the process will affect their lives.... read more